Thursday 14 August 2014

Omega - 3 Fatty Acids in Food

Rich Content of Omega - 3 fattty acids: An overview

As the research suggests to consume atleast 500 mg per day of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.
To achieve this one can consume two or three serves of fish a week and also going for intake of fish oil and omega - 3 enriched food or drinks such as eggs, bread, milk.

Oily fishes contains atleast 10% fat such as canned sardines, salmon and some varieties of canned tuna.

Content of Omega - 3 fattty acids (EPA and DHA) per 150 g serve of varieties of fish are:

  • Salmon Fish - 500 mg and above
  • Canned Salmon - between 500 mg - 1000 mg
  • Canned Sardinnes - 1500 mg
  • Trout - between 300 mg - 400 mg
  • Gem fish - above 500 mg
  • Canned tuna - 1500 mg
  • Rainbow trout - 300 mg - 400 mg
  • Snapper - 200 mg - 300 mg
Omega - 3 fatty acids in other foods:

  • two slices of fish oil-enriched white bread - 50 mg- 120 mg
  • lean beef or lamb (65 g) - 20 mg - 90 mg
  • one fish oil enriched egg - 125 mg
  • fish oil enriched margarine (10 g) - 60 mg
  • one regular egg - 70 mg - 80 mg.
 The best source of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids is fish or fish oil capsules.

For more details about omega-3 fatty acids and intake and supervision of fish oil capsules refer your health care provider.

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